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Several reminders about the Pittsburgh Social Club! More members, starting to get more events n more

From: Frank (Big K.
Sent on: Saturday, August 24, 2013, 12:32 PM

Hi Everyone,
We are now up to 678 Members here on the Meetup Group!   And if you didn't know this we also have a Facebook Group of 200 members here: (join if you want)

The Meetup Pittsburgh Social Club Settings ALLOW YOU TO CREATE YOUR OWN EVENT! (Don't be shy).

These are the only requirements about the event:

1.  You need to be there if you are posting the event

2.  No Multi Level Marketing or spam events

3.  Have fun!

4.  If you do facebook, click the event you create facebook link and post it on your page and also send it to the Pittsburgh Social Club Facebook page, you'll get about 150 people who don't do the meetup page!

Tell a couple of friends about the Pittsburgh Social Club:

And to give you an idea when we started at 545 people a month ago now we are at 678!  And of the people that visit the site was at 220 out of 545 now 350 of 678 are visiting the site!  So we are getting more active.

More events will be posted.   Happy Hours, Movie Events, Dinners, Bike Rides excetera!  But take a chance and GO!  And if you RSVP show up or cancel RSVP! (common courtesy).


Frank ;-)

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