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Help Bring a New Founder Institute Semester to Portland (plus free $99 E-Course)

From: Jonathan G.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 12:06 PM
Thanks again for joining Startup Founder 101!  

As you may know, the Founder Institute is currently testing demand for a new semester in Portland, and if enough people apply by the deadline on Sunday, then we will formally launch the semester.

The Founder Institute is the world’s premier startup launch program for talented entrepreneurs. If you are up to the challenge, our comprehensive step-by-step program will give you the structure, mentor support, and network of entrepreneurs you need to start an enduring company. In addition, the Founder Institute is the only program of its kind that accepts founders with day jobs and shares equity with all participants.

Help bring this program to Portland and fill out an interest form today: It only takes a few minutes, and there is no obligation. 

Or, you could join us for tomorrow's "Information Session" Meetup to learn more:

Also, I just wanted make sure you saw that all Startup Founder 101 members get free access to the "Startup & Go" e-course on entrepreneurship ($99 value), which features startup lectures from Phil Libin (Evernote), Aaron Patzer (, Jonathan Abrams (Friendster), Jim Franklin (SendGrid), and more. Be sure to check it out: 

- Password: startupfounder101


- Startup Founder 101 

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