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Deathly Hallows release parties!

From: Reed
Sent on: Thursday, June 14, 2007, 10:51 AM
Dear Potterdelphians,

We are only 36 days away from the release of the seventh and final book in the Harry Potter series! The "official" Potterdelphia release party will be held at Big Blue Marble in Mt Airy.

However, there are plenty of events happening in and around the city! We realize that not every can make it to the event at Big Blue Marble, but we would like to know where you are going for your release party. It would be great to have Potterdelphia representatives at several bookstores to meet other Potter fans and possibly even invite new members to join.

If you are going to a release party other than Big Blue Marble, please let us know, so we can add it to our big event list on our meetup site and members can see who is going where, if they would like to go together or meet new friends. Also, if you would like Potterdelphia business cards or flyers to hand out at your event, we will be glad to provide those.

Wherever you go for your book, have fun! Remember, our July meetup has been moved to Sunday, July 29th to give you some time to finish reading your books.

Thanks so much, and see you at an event soon!

Head Girl, Potterdelphia
[masked] (phone)
[address removed]