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What we’re about

Welcome to Power Hiking Paris, registered law 1901 not-for-profit Hiking Organisation*, member of the French Hiking Federation (FFRP**) and a beneficiary of a Tourism License***. 
Established from scratch in 2015, we proudly serve the Hiking Community ever since. 
We are a friendly group of international hikers living in the Paris area. We use mostly English as our official communication language. We walk an average of 20-30km, every WE, in Ile de France at a brisk pace (4.5 to 7 km/h).
Our walks are graded as below :
• Newcomers (4.5 -5.5 km/h)
• Regular (5.5 - 6.5 km/h)
• Challenging (6 -7 km/h)
You need to be fit enough if you want to take part (otherwise you might not be able to keep up). BEAR IN MIND THAT POWER HIKING IS A WORKOUT ACTIVITY (NOT SIGHTSEEING) AND THEREFORE NOT SUITABLE FOR EVERYONE.
All our hikes are led by home trained and volunteers international hike leaders (we don't get paid).
We are not professionals, we don't do it for a living, but we try to organise our events as good as professionals (with a legal structure, clear rules, an insurance policy to protect everybody, a proper training ...). eg: we are the only hiking group allowed to organise legally big hiking trips in France and abroad because we own a Tourism licence.
We are committed to our members so we are not all about blathering on quality of our activities and doing very little but we actually walk the talk, even during the Covid pandemic.
Since our first day of operation in 2015, we have organised 1000+ events comprising Day hikes (several hikes available each WE), WE aways  and Hiking Adventures  in other France's neighbourhood or abroad (list of the 70+ big trips organized by PHP since 2015) . 
Thousand of hikers have walked and traveled with us, with a high level of satisfaction. The proof is that they are coming back over and over again :-) .... No wonder why Power Hiking Paris has become, over time, the most successful, the most active Hiking Group on MeetUp in the Paris Region.
Last but not least, this community is also about building bonds of friendship between the members. Respectfulness, Courteousness and Friendliness are our core values. Commitment and Sense of responsibility are our core principles.

Before you sign up for this group, please read carefully our Terms and Conditions ( Being member of Power Hiking Paris means you fully understood and agreed with those.
Be aware that we value people who play by the book, who have a constructive and friendly mindset and who are mindful to others.
We have a very strict policy of not compromising with entitled people, who have a toxic behavior and want to cause trouble, who are selfish and disrespectful. They don't belong here. The common interest always comes first. We kick them out of the group without hesitation.

If you are looking for getting outdoors with active and friendly people from all over the world and from all range of age. Sign up now. Become a Power Hiker. 
Check out our Facebook page here :, our instagram account @powerhikingparis and our blog here :
We don't try to be famous or influential but as a matter of fact, people talk about us : \ \ \

WHY IS IT SAFER TO WALK WITH PHP ? : When you walk with PHP, you are taking part to an event organised by a legal structure, not by some random individuals. You are insured and our leaders are insured. It's peace of mind for everybody. Otherwise, you should be aware of the risk you are taking.
All participants on our hikes, even for the first time or just occasionally, are fully insured by our insurer MAIF CS 90000 - 79038 Niort cedex 9
Visit Power Hiking Paris Gift Shop
* PHP is a law 1901 not-for-profit Organisation. “Not-for-profit organizations are types of organizations that do not earn profits for its owners. All of the money earned by a not-for-profit organization is used in pursuing the organization's objectives and keeping it running”
* The FRENCH HIKING FEDERATION (FFRP) is a recognized association of public utility. Approved and delegate of the Ministry in charge of Sports for hiking and the Longe Côte. Member of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee and of the European Federation of Hiking.
** Power Hiking Paris is a beneficiary of a Tourism License: IM077110013 . All our trips are insured by  AXA FRANCE IARD - 313 TERRASSES DE L'ARCHE , 92727 NANTERRE, FRANCE (Assurance RCP Contract N°5386829204) and financially guaranteed by GROUPAMA ASSURANCE-CRÉDIT & CAUTION - 8-10 RUE D’ASTORG , 75008 PARIS, FRANCE (Contract N°4000714664 )