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What we’re about

The Prescott LGBTQ CommUNITY is an online connection for the LGBTQ community in the Prescott, Arizona area. This group is open to lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, and anyone questioning their sexual identity. We also welcome supportive allies. People of any age or background can become members. The CommUNITY is designed to engage local LGBTQ people in co-creating activities and events that keep our community connected. We invite you to join us!

For the enjoyment of all our members, we ask you to adhere to the following safe space guidelines while using this MeetUp site and attending MeetUp events:

Please treat everyone with courtesy and respect. Use polite language and think about the power and impact of your words. Communicate with kindness and sensitivity!

Honor the diversity within our community—age, gender, sexual orientation, race, economic status, gender identity, and more!

Please respect the privacy of all our members and guests. Not everyone is “out” to family, friends, or co-workers, so anything that is shared in this group should remain confidential, unless otherwise noted. Also, we encourage you to request permission from members and guests before taking photographs and/or video at events and before posting photos or video anywhere online or in the community.

Soliciting for business, religious, political, or sexual purposes is not allowed. If you’d like to promote your business, email the organizer of the group and request to be added as a sponsor. Sponsors can be promoted on the site as LGBTQ-friendly, LGBTQ-owned & operated, or any other benefit you’d like to extend to our MeetUp members.

Note: The Prescott LGBTQ CommUNITY reserves the right to refuse service or access to anyone who doesn’t uphold these guidelines.