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September 2015 Writing News - Book Launch, Changing Dates, Fall Fun

From: Shen
Sent on: Monday, August 31, 2015, 4:03 PM

Hello, word warriors!

The summer is officially drawing to a close, which means it's time to take advantage of back-to-school sales and buy yourself some nice pens and notebooks. (What's that? You only work digitally? Buy 'em anyway!)

There are a number of awesome things happening that you'll want to be aware of...


Wed Sep 02, 7:00 PM at Princeton Public Library (65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ)

Congratulations to Hester Young on her debut novel! PWG will be celebrating with her at the official book launch party at the Princeton Public Library. Stick around or join us later on for drinks at Triumph.

RSVP here

=== AUTUMN AWESOMENESS ============================================

Nisha Sharma has graciously volunteered to set up a series of fall-themed events (all in the name of research, of course). Among them:

Heritage Wine Festival- Writers Researching Wine - Sun Sep 20, 1pm at Heritage Vineyard (126 harrisonville road, mullica hill, NJ)

Unionville Vineyards Fall Festival - Sat Sep 26, 12:00 PM at Unionville Vineyards (9 Rocktown Road, Ringoes, NJ)

Halloween Haunted Hayride and Spooky Fun! - Sat Oct 3, 7pm at C. Casola Farms (Rte 79 N, Marlboro, NJ)

Apple Picking and Corn Maze "Research" - Sat Oct 10, 11am at Terhune Orchards (330 Cold Soil Rd, Princeton, NJ)

Because many of these are outside our usual stomping grounds, carpooling is advised. Post in the comment sections to keep up with plans.


You guys, I'm afraid Tuesdays and Thursdays no longer work for me (I'm taking a class from Oct-Apr). Which means we have to change what day we meet. I don't often wield my god-like organizer powers in such a fashion, but it's my prerogative to do so. If there's a contingent that desperately wants to continue meeting on Thursday as well, that can be arranged. But I need my writing fix, too.

As organizer, I've had a fantastic time learning from you all, and I now count a good number of you among my friends. The thought of losing contact with you all for six months makes me despair. So, please join me in finding a new opportunity for us all.

The Tuesday New Brunswick meetup is suspended until further notice, unless someone else would like to head it up.

As for Plainsboro Thursdays, I would very much like to stay at The Grind in Plainsboro, because they've been good to us, and have even changed their hours for us. Unfortunately, they close early Mon-Weds, and Weds and Fri are often event nights.

So, I want to know. When are you free and where do you want to meet within the surrounds of Plainsboro, preferably in reach of Rt 1?

Join the discussion on this listing, and if need be we'll run a poll to narrow the choices down. We need a decision by Oct 20. Thursday meetings will continue to run as scheduled until that week.

As organizer, I've had a fantastic time learning from you all, and I now count a good number of you among my friends. The thought of losing contact with you all for six months makes me despair.

=== TL; DR ============================================================

We have awesome members doing awesome things. And we need a new meeting time. Go read the email, man.

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