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Project Paddle Special Discount!

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 4, 2010, 11:42 PM
Hey everyone-
      Erehwon really seems to like what we have been up to with Project Paddle! They are very happy that we will have a booth at their Adventure Expo next weekend. As a way of showing their appreciation to us, they have given me a coupon to distribute as I see fit. I have attached the coupon in this email and you can print it off to receive 20% off of any ENTIRE purchase for the weekend of the Expo! Please only use the coupon once and do not abuse their generosity. This coupon is good only at the Glendale store location. (sorry my Chicago land people!!)
      Also, I have purchased the following URL and have it linked to our meetup website. This will make it easier to share the site with friends, family, or other people who might be interested in joining our group.
      And as always, this is a member driven group, I want to get as many people involved in hosting event as I can. I hope that this group can be the catalyst through which many wonderful paddling adventures can come to fruition.

This email message originally included an attachment.

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