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Monday Night Meetup at Pinelli's New Restaurant

From: Bob
Sent on: Sunday, March 4, 2018, 6:21 PM

Hi All,

Over the years Bill Pinelli has been a good friend to the Providence Collective. He is willing to open his "closed on Mondays" new restaurant just for us. So that makes tomorrow night's event a TACOMBAFU....a private party just for us!!

In return for Bill's generous hospitality, let's show up in numbers to demonstrate our appreciation. We're hoping that at least 80 members join us tomorrow. Because they are normally closed it is very important that we register so that when I call Bill with our anticipated attendance he will provide enough food for us.

There will be complimentary hors d'oeuvres and menu offerings. Bill is bringing in a chef and two bartenders just for us...let's make it worth his while.

See you tomorrow night at Pinelli's.



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