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Re: [Provocateurs] Elizabeth Smart blames abstinence-only education

From: Anna S.
Sent on: Monday, May 13, 2013, 8:54 AM

Who is "they"? I have never in my life heard a comparison to a stick of gum, or any other metaphor even close to that. In any case, I'm sure she is trying to find ways to justify not escaping in her own mind. It must be terrible guilt to have to deal with. 

On Mon, May 13,[masked]:43 AM CDT Lynne wrote:

>I was watching the Melissa Harris-Perry Show today, and they showed a recent clip of Elizabeth Smart talking about abstinence education. In case you don't remember, she was the teenager kidnapped and raped for months. She was talking about how they teach that a girl is like a stick of gum and sex is being chewed/used and if you are used too many times, no one will want you. So she thought what is the point of trying to escape....she felt worthless. I knew AO was wrong for being ineffective, but I had no idea how truely evil it could be. What a horrible thing to say to girls, and what a terrible message to send to boys about the worth of girls/women.
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