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Last Friday night ...

From: Fred H.
Sent on: Sunday, August 10, 2014, 12:03 AM
Hey everybody

Want to thank Mark and Kyler and Eugene for the thoughtful ideas expressed at last night’s meetup — and the rest of the group for the scintillating discussion throughout.  That animated discussion ran right past our closing time, so if you’re interested to hear the full five observations our speakers had intended to cover, here they are:

Mark and Kyler's 5 observations:

1) Most of us did a lot of thinking before becoming atheists

2) We're not all 100% certain that god does not exist

3) Life without god is not meaningless

4) We are just like you in almost every way

5) Many of us were, in fact "real" Christians, Jews, etc. before leaving religion

Eugene's 5 observations:

1. Evidence matters to us, and doubts happen.

2. Our faith-commitments, while informed by evidence, are also influenced by other legitimate considerations.

3. Regards of what Stephen Roberts may contend, we are *not* both atheists when it comes to all of humanity’s gods save one.

4. We are aware of the troubling passages of the Bible and feel that they can be adequately explained… mostly.

5. We evangelize, lobby, legislate, and all the rest (generally) because we love you.

If you have another response or question to any of these observations, feel free to post them to the group here for more discussion, and maybe our speakers can weigh in, if you address them.

Inline image 2

The conversations at the Blue Moose were scintillating too, covering everything from romantic relationships, hell, (didn’t intend to put those two together), Calvinistic theology, and much more that went on till we got kicked out at closing and then kept talking outside till about 1:40 a.m.  But not quite late enough to see the Perseid meteor shower.


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