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This Friday night: Everything you ever wanted to know about: "SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE"

From: Fred H.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 7, 2015, 5:42 PM

Bring your thoughts, bring your questions, to this Friday night's Provocateurs:  Dr. Leroy Seat is presenting on:




This Fri Jan. 9, 7 pm, Lenexa Price Chopper.  RSVP here now (It helps us know how to set up.)

Inline image 1

Author and educator Leroy Seat is going to tell us everything we need to know about the separation of church and state, plus lead a discussion to take all your questions.

• Exactly what do our founding fathers, and our constitution, have to say about the separation of church and state? 

• Where do our legal rights on this issue come into play today, for atheists?  For religious people?

Let’s discuss secularism, disestablishment, religious liberty, and religious pluralism!

Inline image 2

We learned a lot and enjoyed the discussion when Dr. Seat spoke at Midwest Skeptics several times — this promises to be an information-packed, fun presentation and discussion once again.


Leroy Seat:  Author of Fed Up with Fundamentalism: A Historical, Theological, and Personal Appraisal of Christian Fundamentalism (2007), The Limits of Liberalism: A Historical, Theological, and Personal Appraisal of Christian Liberalism (2010), and Thirty Things Every Christian Needs to Know Now (forthcoming).

Leroy Seat was born in Mo. in 1938, graduated from William Jewell College in 1959, earned a Ph.D. at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1967, was an educational missionary in Japan from 1966 to 2004 and is now a emeritus professor of Seinan Gakuin University and emeritus pastor of Fukuoka International Church.  He has lived in Liberty since 2005, and was an adjunct at Rockhurst University for the last 17 semesters. 


Come early at 6:45 to get a good seat and to get to know people.

Afterwards, we'll meet at the Blue Moose for more conversation.

See you Friday!

Fred Heeren / [address removed] / [masked]

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