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Hello Family and Friends (Psychic Enhancement Group)

From: Anne
Sent on: Tuesday, August 29, 2017, 9:02 PM

I am looking forward to getting to know everybody in our group.

New members as well as experienced members will find insights for meditation and grounding, as well as protecting yourself from any negative vibrations.

As professional psychics both Melanie and myself (Anne) are devoted in helping you connect to your intuitive side.

Meeting days scheduled (subject to change pending activities availabilities):

September 2th 2017 at 7 pm, Guided Meditation
Come and join me learning about your Angel & animal guides;

we are all born with Angel guides then there are other types that will protect us throughout our lives. When we talk about animal guides they connect us to the earth and help us understand ourselves in a higher level. I feel that they are both important and I hope you come and join me.

September 9, 2017 at 7 pm, Dream Circle

I always have a monthly dream circle.

In these group, we discuss interpreting our dreams and how to understand also to remember them. I like to invite people to bring a dream journal if you have them.

September 12, 2017 at 7 pm, Psychic Circle
Come and Join me at the Psychic Circle; I have decided to have the psychic circle twice a month on Tuesday.
Each group we’ll work on something different like psychic games, channeling, Mediumship, and other interesting stills. I've been a professional Psychic over 28 years and was born intuitive/ medium. I've been a teacher for another psychic

Saturday, September 30, 2017 starts at 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Come join Melanie Channell and Anne Temple for a SPECIAL DAY !!!

Readings / Healings / Meditation / Ionic Foot Baths
Tarot/Numerology Readings, Psychic/Mediumship Readings, Healing Meditation, and Ionic footbaths!

Melanie will be giving 20-minute Tarot / Numerology combination
readings for the special event price of $25.00.

Anne will be giving 15 or 30-minute Psychic and/or Mediumship readings.
Special event pricing - $25.00 for 15 minutes or $45.00 for 30 minutes.

Detox your body with an Ionic footbath – event price $25.00

Melanie will also lead a Group Healing Meditation at 3 p.m.
This will be a class and discussion about intuitive tools you can use
to develop your intuition and psychic abilities.

Melanie’s address:
2812 Sweet way, Sacramento, CA 95821

[address removed]

You also can find exciting classes to
sign up for (tarot readings, etc..) by looking at Melanie’s website. Channell

We would like to see everyone learn how to expand your knowledge and intuitive gifts.

We want to invite all of you to embrace being family in the psychic enhancement group.

Remember Our addresses:

Anne’s 5443 College Oak drive, #31 Sacramento, Ca 95841
Melanie’s 2812 Sweet way, Sacramento, CA 95821

Melanie & I do a lot for our group. We make up brochures, provide a comfortable environment, plus set up snacks to enjoy. Please RSVP, the purpose is so we know HOW much will be needed for the meeting, in advance. It helps us prepare and gives you a better meeting experience. RSVP’s let us know that you plan and intend to be at a meeting.

Anne’s web sites:

I also do readings at my home.

If you have any questions, please email myself or Melanie and we will answer any emails we get, thank you very much.

Come and Join the Facebook Psychic Enhancement Group !!

If anyone does not wish to receive e-mails please write back & I will can take you off the mailing list.

You’ll still be a member.

Love and Light

Anne Temple


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