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What we’re about

The Magdalene Goddess Reiki Share is a women's gathering circle of Lightworkers who wish to exchange Reiki, practice Reiki healing, and share techniques and experiences. We have an ongoing booklist that revolves around the Magdalene as a Goddess.

You're invited to be part of the creation and share in our circle of light where we send Reiki Healing energy to each other, to the earth, our animals, to loved ones, and situations. This is a place to support each other along in our spiritual healing and soul paths.

Bring your good intentions and yourself, and together we will send Universal Reiki Light and Love. A truly unique healing and energy exchange experience.

This gathering is a bi-monthly event for practitioners and non-practitioners desiring to exchange Reiki or wishing to learn more about Reiki and experience Reiki healing.


Upcoming events (1)

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