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What we’re about

This is a social group for anyone on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum.

Both, our Meet-up and Facebook accounts, focus on building community (through the many events we host), enable awareness (through referrals and recommendations), support inclusivity (ALL Queers are welcome), create safe spaces and progress Queer visibility.

Our events are ONLY listed on Meet-Up, however we'd love for you to join us on Facebook too. We're here and we're Queer! Where are you??

Please be respectful of the limited capacity for each event. This means marking a plus 1 if you are bringing someone. This is why we have the feature in the group. Some events do not allow a plus 1, if you have concerns, please reach out to the host or the admin (Leah).

If the event is full, please add your name to the waitlist (along with any other people you are bringing with you). Do not jump the waitlist. Oftentimes, as the event date gets closer, members change their RSVP which allows for those on the waitlist to be moved to 'Attending'.
If you choose to show up when you are not listed as 'Attending', are still on the wait list and/or bring extra people without having included them in your RSVP - oftentimes you will be asked to leave. If this continues to happen - it is cause for being removed from the group. If you have concerns about this rule, please reach out to Leah.

Please keep in mind:
1.  Attendance WILL be monitored at each event, please keep your RSVPs current. This includes being on the waitlist. It is common for space to become available as the event date/time gets closer. The settings will automatically move you from "waitlisted" to "going", in order of RSVP (first come, first serve), when the space is available. It is your responsibility to monitor this and update your RSVP if necessary.

2. You will be marked as a “no show” if you RSVP and don’t show up to an event without letting the organizer know AT LEAST 1 hour before the event starts. If you're not able to attend and you let the event host know at least 1 hour before the event starts, you will be marked as “didn’t go”.

Whether marked as a 'no-show' or 'didn't go'....these are monitored. We do this because it effects other members from attending.

3. If you get 3 no-shows you will be unable to RSVP to future events and will be removed from the Queer Friends Meetup Group for a specified amount of time.

**HELPFUL TIP** Click "Add to Calendar" from the event page to help remind you of the events you've signed up for (going or waitlisted). In most cases - you will need to edit your reminder times on the event.

Please be kind and respectful of the hosts. They use their time to research and create events. They are not paid for their time. The Event Organizers host events for many reasons. Many enjoy meeting new people, fostering community, holding space for their community and working towards Queer inclusivity.