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New Meetup: Pray Like This

From: Sultan
Sent on: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 5:20 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Quran Discussion Group!

What: Pray Like This

When: Sunday, December 26,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Brookville Reformed Church
2 Brookville Road
Brookville, NY 11545

Learn from the extraordinary wisdom of the Quran and take your life to a higher level.

If you would like to join us by teleconference, please type "by phone" as a comment with your rsvp.

Sura 17 Ayas 80?81

And say: ?O my Lord! Cause me to enter in a true and sincere manner, and cause me to leave in a true and sincere manner, and grant me, out of Your grace, sustaining strength!?
And say: ?The Truth has now come, and falsehood has withered away: for, behold, all falsehood is bound to wither!?

In these two life changing statements, note that they illustrate two different styles of prayer. Aya 80 is a supplication, or a request, while Aya 81 is an assertion, or an affirmation. Many people are familiar with supplication as a form of prayer, but as Aya 81 shows here, making a statement is also prayer.

The power of prayer is in the power of human speech uttered with conviction and internalized by repetition. The human spirit is always in communication with God. In both types of prayer, we express faith in this communion. In one case, you request with the conviction that God hears you and will grant your request. In the second case, you express faith that your assertion resonates with the Divine Spirit. The application of these two prayers in spiritual growth will be discussed in our meeting.

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