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New Meetup: Live to Create Beauty

From: Sultan
Sent on: Monday, December 27, 2010, 12:19 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Quran Discussion Group!

What: Live to Create Beauty

When: Sunday, January 2,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Brookville Reformed Church
2 Brookville Road
Brookville, NY 11545

Learn from the extraordinary wisdom of the Quran and take your life to a higher level.

If you would like to join us by teleconference, please type "by phone" as a comment with your rsvp.

Sura 18 Ayas 7?8
Surely what is on the earth We made to enhance its beauty, so that We can test to see whose actions are the finest.
And surely We shall turn what is on it into dry dust.

Everything that God has made is beautiful, because beauty is a divine trait. In Aya 7, He asks us to appreciate, preserve, and enhance this beauty. There is a test of how we live. Our actions either add to the splendor that is creation or they diminish it. One of the names of God is Al-Musawwir, the Artist. Like all His other traits, the Artist is present in all human beings. All of us have within us the ability to create beauty, to express what we see with new perspectives. The spiritual value of beauty is the topic of our meeting.

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