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What we’re about

We are here to advance the XR industry in the Triangle by connecting and empowering its community.

AWE Nite NC Triangle is a place for developers, creators, investors, founders, corporate decision makers and curious folk to come together to celebrate the activity and devote conviction around building an XR hub in the Triangle.

AWE Nite NC Triangle is part of two larger XR communities:

We are one of a number of cities AWE Nites are held in cities around the world.

NCXR - A group linking together local XR efforts across North Carolina, all of which mutually support one another.

If you wish to demo, sponsor, speak or volunteer at one of our events, please contact us using this form:

Upcoming events (1)

See all
  • XR & AI
    American Underground Bullpen, Durham, NC
    • Photo of Christi Fenison
    • Photo of Don Shin
    • Photo of Brian
    • Photo of Mary Holtschneider
    • Photo of Chris Wilkes