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Re: [RTP-SemWeb] Greetings from the AI/Semantic Web meetup...

From: bryan t.
Sent on: Monday, July 9, 2012, 12:24 PM
Eric,  I'd be happy to do a presentation on the intersection of big data and the semantic web.  I am traveling this month and at the NoSQL! Conference in late August.  I could do this either before that event or in the first few weeks of September.  I've attached a brief bio, which includes some information about the bigdata semantic web database platform.  This is an open source effort that SYSTAP has been leading since 2006, and which we dual license for OEMs.

Bryan Thompson
Chief Scientist & Founder
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4501 Tower Road
Greensboro NC 27410

From: Eric <[address removed]>
Reply-To: "[address removed]" <[address removed]>
To: "[address removed]" <[address removed]>
Subject: [RTP-SemWeb] Greetings from the AI/Semantic Web meetup...

Hey everyone,

As Phillip noted earlier this week, I will be helping out for organizing the A.I./Big Data/Semantic Web group.  Before getting started, I was hoping to get some feedback from people to better understand what everyone wants out of this group.   

The subject matter of our group is fairly broad. Additionally, the experience level of group members is  diverse as well.  So taking all that into account, I had thought about hosting different types of events beyond having a monthly speaker.  In particular, I had thought about:
-  have a monthly to bi-monthly hacknight or workshop depending on interest.
-  having a weekly discussion/study group that follows a A.I./Machine Learning course on or

What would be the interest level for these things, particularly the udacity/coursera courses?

Beyond that, are there any software languages, open source tools, topics, or anything else that you would like to see a particular focus on?  

Anyway, I appreciate any suggestions and I look forward to meeting you all.




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