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New Meetup: Comedian Ron Shock comes to SF!

From: Dave L.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 1:10 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Random Unfocused Group for Active Intellectual Singles!

What: Comedian Ron Shock comes to SF!

When: Friday, November 26,[masked]:15 PM

Where: Punch Line Comedy Club
444 Battery St
San Francisco, CA 94111

It's been a long, busy summer. But I'm looking forward to bringing more events to the calendar - so stay tuned.

And to begin, the Friday after Thanksgiving brings an opportunity to laugh until you hurt. Comedian Ron Shock is coming to San Francisco to perform at the Punch Line Comedy Club at Embarcadero Center 1. I first heard/saw Ron Shock in Houston. At the time he was part of a cadre of comedians known as the Texas Outlaw Comics which included such comics as Bill Hicks and Sam Kinison. I haven't seen him in years but some of his jokes still come to mind at times and make me laugh. I'm hoping that seeing him again will add more jokes to remember.

For more information about Ron Shock, check out his website at

To see a sample of Ron perform, see this video on YouTube and hear a brief history of his life, from Seminary, to chain gang to prison to white collar to comedian.

Bio - Ron Shock - American Storyteller

Please be warned, adult language, with and riffs on people, society, politics and religion.

Tickets are general admission and $24.05 (US $19.00 Ticket + US $5.05 Fees) with a 2 drink minimum per person.

Punch Line Comedy Club
444 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111

You can buy tickets here, online.

Please remember, it's the 8pm Friday show.

We will meet at 7:15. This will give us the chance to get good tables and also chat before the show.

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