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Do you need money to close more deals?

From: Kevin M.
Sent on: Monday, October 13, 2014, 10:34 AM
Hello fellow investors;

Do you need money to close more deals? We can help. We are Dennis and Laurie OBrien, private money brokers. We work with a number of companies who lend money to investors and we look forward to doing business with you. Below you will find a quick summary of the terms and criteria for securing funding.

If the borrower is purchasing a residential property, the corporate office will lend 80% of the purchase price, or 65% of the as-is value, whichever is less.

If the borrower is refinancing, they can cash out up to 50% of the as is value. If the funds are going back into the project, or being used for cross collateralization for a separate real estate purchase, the borrower’s loan can be up to 65% of the as is value.

Value is determined by a third party appraiser arranged by the corporate office and paid for by the borrower.

The lender must be in the first lien position, the property must be non owner occupied, and the borrower must be a U.S. entity, such as an LLC or Corporation.

The terms vary by deal. Loans are asset based, so even with a low credit score; the borrower can secure an asset based loan. If the borrower chooses to apply their credit score to the loan, terms can be as low as 12% interest and 2 points. Without considering the credit score, the rates could be 15% interest and 5 points. The broker fee is 1% of the loan amount.

The length of the loan ranges from 3 to 24 months. There is no prepayment penalty.

Please contact us with questions and for further details.

[address removed]

Dennis & Laurie O’Brien



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