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Nuovo Meetup: The well known festival of your country

From: Giusy
Sent on: Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 6:41 PM
Annuncio di un nuovo Meetup per Reggio Emilia & Modena - English Language Meetup!

Cosa: The well known festival of your country

Quando: 6 novembre[masked]

enoteca montecristo
via taglio 50
modena, MO

Hi guys,
are you ready for the next meetup in Modena that will be on friday the 6th of November? If so come numerously!! This time I thought about a topic we could use to give the chance to speak to all of you. So think about your favourite or thewell known festival of your country and tell us about it.
It will be on same venue the Enoteca Montecristo at 20.45. For people who come from Reggio contact Brian for a carpool his number is 333/[masked] whereas for people who come from Modena and need info mine is 347/[masked].
See you there!!!

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