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Elemental Crossings News and Events

From: Spring R.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 10:33 PM

2008 WRCF Witches Ball & Samhain Sabbat
Saturday, November 1st
6:00 - 11:00pm

This year's theme is "On The Road to Camelot"
Ritual Hosted By Mystic Moons Coven
"Parting the Mists of Avalon"

Live Music by Shining Wheel Pagan

Food, Vendors, Readers, Live Music, Door Prizes, Raffles & Much More!

Eastmonte Civic Center
Altamonte Springs, FL

Advanced Tickets on Sale @ Elemental Crossings $25
At the door - $30

Spring Rayne will be going to Jail for MDA
(Muscular Dystrophy Association) on November 13th!
The event will be held at Ruth Chris Steakhouse in Heathrow.
Please help her post BOND of $3,200!!
  Each person who donates money will be put in a raffle to receive a gift basket!
Please send an email with your address, and how much you donated, we can mail you the raffle ticket

Coming in January
Christopher Tims Presents:
The Mystery School Teachings
(The 12 Doorways)

Each doorway is an entrance that turns to a passageway, an energetic labyrinth, a teaching that is a specific transmission
which promotes an unwinding of concepts, structures, beliefs and faith; it allows a temporary emptiness or void
within the initiate's life.
This teaching compresses the 12 yr mystery school training cycle of ancient Egypt
into a 12 month intensive program.

Also visit Christopher's online Radio Station for lots of guest speakers!

For more information, please visit Christophers Websites: or

Check out the article in Success Magazine for Seminole County!
We were interviewed about Reiki for an article in the Alternative Medicine section.


  Angel Guide Meet & Greet
by Taerie & Spring Rayne
Thursday, October 23rd
7 pm
$25 per person

We all have a team of very advanced souls who are with us on our journey through this lifetime. Often referred to as Guardian Angels or Spirit Guides, these souls are of the "Christ Consciousness" or above. They know what our true purpose in life is and only ever have our greatest good in mind when working with us. Imagine if you could meet each of your Guides and learn to clearly communicate with them. How different would your life be?
In this experience, you will learn how many Angels/Guides you have with you. Where you feel it when each comes close and how you are most likely to perceive psychic communications (see, feel, hear or deep inner knowing).

By the end of our time together, you will have the opportunity to meet each of your Guides/Angel individually. We will also practice a technique that will allow you to communicate clearly on your own. This is a process that takes time and practice to perfect. Knowing what your Angel's energy feels like will help you know when you are working with the "right stuff".

This knowledge and understanding often helps to provide a new level of confidence and security in our day to day lives.

Power of Sound
Christopher Tims
Thursday, November 6th
7 -9 pm
$20 donation per person

Christopher Tims is a travelling Mystic being drawn to various cities
the United States, Canada & Australia, sharing
his workshops, lectures and teachings, since January 1998.
He is also an author of The Eternal Teachings.

Sound Energy Dyamics is Chris' unique alternative healing.
This technique of healing dates back to the ancient times in
The Lamas would use bells and bowls over and around the body to clear
chakras and restore balance.
Christopher Tims has adapted this technique by replacing the bells
and bowls with tuning forks.

This work is the most transformative set of tools that Christopher
has assembled.
It will help you remove unwanted routines, habits, and ruts
directing you towards the realization of your hopes and dreams.
Beyond a healing modality, the purpose of this work is to give you
fresh ingredients to add to the recipe of your life.
All you need is to be open, to be interested in improving the quality
of your life,
to be curious enough to explore and to have the courage to venture
beyond that which you now know.
http://soundhealing .org/



Rev. Spring Rayne (tarot reader, medium, Reiki Master, &
owner of Elemental Crossings) offers the following services:

Spiritual Consultations
Tarot Mediumship Readings
Reiki & Crystal Healing
Ear Candling
Private Reiki Classes
Chakra Balancing
Past Life Regressions/Time Line Therapy
House/Business Blessings/Cleansings
Marriage Services/Handfasting
Baby Blessings/Wiccanings/Paganings
Mentorship Programs

(By Appointment Only)

Elemental Crossings
311 S. Park Ave.
Sanford, FL 32771

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