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New Meeting: dive weekend with Down Under with Aquatic Safaris

From: kelly
Sent on: Thursday, May 15, 2008, 7:45 AM
Announcing a new meeting for Triangle Scuba Meetup!

What: dive weekend with Down Under with Aquatic Safaris

When: Sunday, September 7, 7:30 AM

Meeting fee: USD210.00 per person for both days

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meeting Description: Join us for a weekend of diving On Sept 6 an 7 organized by Down Under Dive shop in Raleigh with Aquatic Safaris. Call the Down Under Dive shop to reserve your spot,

Sat's dive is on the John D Gill Wreck and are aboard the boat ASI 11. Depth is 70-90 feet.
Read all about the John D Gill Wreck at

Sun's dive is 23 Mile Ledge and are aboard the boat ASI 11. Depth is[masked] feet.
6 Mile Ledge, Dallas Rock, 8 Mile Ledge, 18 Mile Ledge, 23 Mile Ledge: These are but a few of the numerous rocky outcroppings that we are fortunate to have access to. Inshore ledges generally don't have the vertical relief of the offshore ledges, however extended bottom times more than make up for the size. Sea life proliferates around ledges, and among other things, the offshore ledges have been known to house a lobster or two as well as some great game fish for spear fishermen.

Learn more here:

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