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What we’re about

The Richmond SQL Server Users Group (RichmondSQL) is located in Richmond, Virginia. We are an active group of SQL Server professionals that meet for networking and presentations on many SQL Server-related topics, including:
Database Design & Development
Performance Tuning & Troubleshooting
Business Intelligence
Data Warehouse
SQL Server Administration (Azure / AWS / on-prem)
Meetings are always FREE and light refreshments are provided.

Meeting Format
6:00pm - General announcements
6:10pm - Presentation
7:15pm - Social networking following the presentation

(by joining this group you agree to adhere to the below policy)

Anti-Harassment Policy

Minimum Code of Conduct

1. No disrespectful behavior. This includes threats, harassment, stalking, abuse, slurs, profanity, personal attacks, sexual remarks or innuendos, physical violence, public speculation about others, and any other behavior that you would not tolerate displayed towards you.

2. Respect the presenter and other attendees

· Ask questions but respect the presenter’s wishes regarding when to ask questions.

· Avoid asking questions or making statements that will side-track the presentation. However it’s intended, it may be seen as hijacking the presentation.

3. No impersonations of a Microsoft or user group employee, agent, manager, host, or another user.

4. No illegal or offensive activities. Members will not publish, post, distribute, or disseminate defamatory, infringing, obscene, or other unlawful material or discussion in any group forum or post. This includes, but is not limited to, child pornography, bestiality, incest, illegal drugs, software piracy, discriminatory/racist statements or images, and harassment.

5. Accountability. Members are fully responsible and liable for anything they say (whether orally or in writing) or do. This includes any actions taken based on advice or information received in presentations, online forums, or elsewhere. Remember, always test what you plan to do, regardless of the source of the information.

6. No libel or slander against the user group, Microsoft, or other persons or entities. Libel includes false statements made in written form, such as statements posted to forums or other publicly accessible websites, electronic mail, or any other printed form.

7. No confidentiality violations. Members may inadvertently gain access to certain non-public information during their participation in the group and are expected to honor the confidentiality of the information.

8. No plagiarism. Members may post their own original work or work that they have written permission to post. If a member cites another author’s work, please provide any necessary attribution according to the requirements associated with the original author’s work. Learn more about copyright at: )

9. No discrimination or harassment. This user group is committed to providing a harassment-free experience to members regardless of age, ancestry, color, gender identity or expression, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical size, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or technology choices. Harassment is unwelcome verbal, physical or virtual behavior based on the characteristics identified above.

10. No sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is unwelcome verbal, physical or virtual behavior based on sex and includes gender-based harassment of a person of the same or different gender. Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:

· Unwelcome sexual advances

· Sexual comments or inappropriate gender-based jokes

· Excessive, unwelcome romantic attention

· Offering or conditioning an employment benefit or preferential treatment, like a promotion or job assignment, in exchange for sexual favors

· Unwelcome physical contact

· Sharing or displaying sexually explicit content

· Using sexually degrading words

Reporting Conduct Violations

If you become aware of a conduct violation on or offline, you are encouraged to report it to a user group leader.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a user group leader or member of the event staff immediately.