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any interest in an Intentional community meeting?

From: Regeneration C.
Sent on: Monday, May 13, 2013, 9:51 AM
dear good folks,

 if there is any interest, we could schedule a meeting to share some
of what we have in the works.  we'd love to share where we are at, in
the hope of feedback and to find out where others are at in their
thinking on these issues.  there is alot that goes into succesful
community design, and there are a lot of options.  we are still pretty
open, tho are at the same time moving fwd with some type of plan.


kevin and sarah

Dear fellow travelers,

It so happens that we have recently come into some funding, and are
actively moving fwd with a land project.  In case there is anyone
interested and ready,  we just want to put out the call for partners.
We are farmers, and creating opportunities for farming and other
land-based lively hoods will be a central focus of the project, tho we
also want to make sure there are opportunities for others as well who
do not work on the land.

The basic parameters are (or so we hope, should others feel the same) :

1) CLT owned.  if folks don't know the ups and downs and ins and outs
of a Community Land Trust, pls do a google to find out more.  BTW this
does not mean that there is no opportunity for building ownership
equity in the project, but just that this equity is limited, and
reduces somewhat the opportunity for land speculation.  It also
provides for stability for the community, and continuity as members
come and go.  We are talking with School of Living, and Equity Trust,
who are supportive,  for technical support.­       https://equitytrus...­

2) Affordability.  It will not necessarily be free,  (tho we want to
create opportunities for new farmers without capital via sweat equity
memberships)  but it will be affordable.

3) Democratic workplace for those who work on the land.  We hope
others will be attracted to  a democratic workplace model incorporated
as a worker cooperative.   We have a few business ideas in the works,
and are open to more. It all depends on the land and people.

4) Other housing options: we also want to make sure there are
opportunities for community members who are not working from the land,
are retired, etc to have opportunities for living on the land with us.
  So we intend to make other affordable housing options available as

5) Location:  we are primarily looking in the lower/mid Hudson valley
region; Ulster, Sullivan, Dutchess, Columbia, maybe Greene or Delaware

6)  Land: we want it all, so are looking for a larger 100+ acs with
good soils, good water, good aspects etc.

If anyone is interested, we can get together sometime!   Please pass
this along to others who may be interested!
much love,
kevin and sarah

Regeneration CSA