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Rotaract Club of Milwaukee - Event Updates!

From: Amy Z.
Sent on: Friday, June 22, 2012, 9:36 AM

Hello all!


As the new organizer for the Rotaract Milwaukee Meetup group, I'd like to take a moment to thank you all for being a part of our group!

For those of you who have not attended an event in a while, I'd like to welcome you to join us at our next upcoming event on July 15th.  We'll be having a cookout at Vice President Paul's home.  (Thank you, Paul, for so graciously hosting us!)  Since summer schedules are so busy, we'll be hosting a few socials this summer before our regular schedule picks back up in the fall with guest speakers, committee nights and volunteering events.

I know that sometimes there is some confusion about our group... is it a Meetup group, or is it something else?  I'll be adding a new page to our Meetup group to clarify this, but also wanted to include some notes on the topic here.  Our group is the Rotaract Club of Milwaukee.  We exist outside of Meetup, but love using Meetup to organize our events and to meet new people who would be interested in joining our club.  We are a part of Rotary International and our chapter is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Milwaukee.  Our focus is "Community. Culture. Career.", and we execute on this by offering our members and guests opportunities to get engaged with local and international communities, diverse cultures, and develop themselves both personally and professionally.  Joining our Meetup group is a great first step to becoming an inducted member of the Rotaract Club of Milwaukee!

If you have any questions regarding upcoming events, how our club is organized, how to become an inducted member, or anything else, please feel free to contact me via email.  Replies to this message will be sent directly to me.


Thank you so much, and Happy Friday!

Amy H.

Membership Chair, Rotaract Club of Milwaukee

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