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New Meetup: Early Halloween Themed Party

From: Brian
Sent on: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 10:36 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Southern Otaku Anime Party!

What: Early Halloween Themed Party

When: Saturday, October 23,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Brian's House
2319 Robert E Lee Blvd
New Orleans, LA 70122

Hello everyone,

I have decided to have a get togehter at my house the weekend before Halloween. As most of us probably already have Halloween weekend plans. We are going to be showing anime, having random games played, and hopefully have a lot of people in cosplay or costumes. The theme is also going to be halloween so I would ask that if possible to bring som king od haloween themed dish that would be for everyone who attends. I am going to have some stuff, but I cant afford the extensive catering I normalyl have for my parties. Hope to see yall there.

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