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Call Participate in Art Event Sept.26-09

From: user 4.
Sent on: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:02 AM
Setup between 10am-11am
Art event-11am-4pm
Allure of Language Art Festival
September 22, 2009
Casa Navarro State Historic Site
228 South Laredo
San Antonio TX 78207
[masked] phone/fax
A family friendly event.

Hello Guys and Dolls,

This is another call for artists to participate in another art event at Casa Navarro. Please email me at [address removed] if you wish to participate with your name as you want it published and a contact # in case I need to reach you. Please email your participation request by September 1-98 to be included in adverts. This is an outdoor event. The whole area is well shaded so you won?t need any canopies. You will have a free 10?x10? space.

The Casa will be listed with the Metropolitan as one of the museums to participate on Sept. 25th in the Metropolitan membership drive, so we hope to have more visitors at this event and maybe more publicity.

10% of your sales must go to the Casa Navarro museum. The meetup has been giving Casa Navarro the silent auction money.

We will be painting live with the theme "Allure of Language-art with words added", you can pre-paint as long as you do details at the event. Those who cannot paint live can donate a piece to auction with the chosen theme. 11x14? is the size for the live paint, you choose the medium.

Our silent auction ends at 3pm. Your live art piece must be finished. Money from the auction pays for our meetup web page and any extra sum of the money goes to things like paper to print fliers, etc?Our budget is small so it does not go far.

What to bring:
Your stuff to set up such as table, easels, 100 ft extension cord (if you have one) if not bring what you have and we will try to accommodate you, multi plug extension cord, easels, chairs, mosquito spray, fan, and your works. Bring a brown bag lunch. Water is provided at the events by Casa Navarro.

Parking-there are 3 parking lots within 3 blocks, $5, $7, $10 across the street, and parking meters right in front. We can unload and load in the narrow driveway of the museum. Please unload and load as quickly as possible so the next artist can do the same. Ask for help if you need it to load and unload. I may have information about a free parking space a couple blocks away soon and will update you if I do. Anyone with a handicap sign can park free at the meters.

Please leave your area clean when you pack up.

Contact me if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments. Cheryl and I are working hard to get more venues for the group to show for free or nearly free. The next meeting on Autust 29 will have information about venues for Oct and Dec. Richard Brooks may also be bringing something to the table to discuss at this meeting.

Thank you,
Monique Montney
Volunteer Event Coordinator

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