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Re: [art-272] Luncheon for Monique Montey and Cheryl Damschen

From: Mark K.
Sent on: Saturday, December 12, 2009, 5:53 PM
Is it assumed a 'luncheon' would be at noon on that date?

On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 2:22 PM, jesse alonzo <[address removed]> wrote:
SA Artists Group,

Richard Brooks has set up a luncheon at the Golden Wok (Marbach & 410) for this coming Monday (12/14/2009) in recognition of their efforts. Both of these ladies worked tirelessly on numerous group projects so a tribute to them is definitely in order. Please feel free to send Richard a message by going to his profile if you plan to attend. The details are as follows:

What: Luncheon for Monique & Cheryl
Where: Golden Wok (410 & Marbach)
When: Monday 12/14/2009
How Much: Approx. cost/person $6 - $8

Thanks for all your hard work ladies.


Jesse A.

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