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Upcoming event at Government Canyon SNA

From: Rod
Sent on: Monday, January 28, 2008, 12:21 PM
I know there are plenty of campers and backpackers in this group so I thought I'd share this event that Government Canyon will be putting on...

"February 16/17, 2008 -  Government Canyon SNA - Camp With A Ranger - Join Staff Interpreter and former UT-Austin Outdoor Guide John Koepke on this very special overnight backpack trip into the heart of the natural area. Along the way you'll learn the story of Government Canyon, get tips and tricks for backpacking and backcountry travel, capped off by a unique opportunity to pitch your tent under the stars and swap outdoor adventure stories in the midst of this awesome natural area. Pack your rucksack for fun and adventure and be sure to bring lots of questions about San Antonio's largest expanse of urban wilderness! There will be a pre-trip meeting February 9 you must attend prior to the campout. Open to adults 18 or older with previous backpacking experience; group size limited to 10; no pets please. Noon Saturday-noon Sunday; fee $4 per person; reservations required and will be accepted beginning at noon January 28, 2008 and ending at noon February 8, 2008. More details provided when you make your reservation. For reservations, e-mail educcmte@hotmail .com. Include name, e-mail address and telephone number for each reservation; no more than two people per reservation accepted. Program subject to cancellation. (210)[masked], ext. 292."

I have also posted this on SA Hiking and Outdoors message board if anyone want's to talk about it:

Reservations start today and there are only 10 spots available, so sign up fast!

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