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New Meetup: Community Artist Connection Public Access Television Show Recording and Training

From: Walter D.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 11:15 AM

Announcing a new Meetup for The San Diego County Entrepreneur Meetup Group!

What: Community Artist Connection Public Access Television Show Recording and Training

When: May 7,[masked]:30 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Meetup Description: Producer, Laura Thompson, will be interviewing local artists, the first will be Cynthia Gott. Ms. Gott is an art professor at Southwestern College and Miramar College and current Vice President of Women's Caucus for Art San Diego. The second guest is yet to be confirmed.

We will be conducting two television interviews on this date and continuing to train activists/entrepreneurs to run their own TV shows.

Expect to be at the studio between 6 PM and 10 PM in El Cajon....(you must call Walter to RSVP and directions at[masked]).

Dress warm, the studio is COLD.

We are extending the invitation to anyone interested to FREE training as a camera operator, assistant director, floor director, sound engineer, set designer, graphics generator, webcast director, and producer. Normally, you select one position and remain on it for the entire evening. You can change positions during subsequent shows.

The training is free. We only ask that you commit to helping during subsequent shows. You are always welcome to attend just to observe and be an audience member.

Our objective is for you to become the producer of your own show, at some point....or.....become a crewmember on one of our other shows.

Please do not bring small children ......children are involved in our production however...children as young as 9 are working in the sound studio and getting practical hands on experience. Several teens are involved as well.

Please be considerate and keep in mind when inviting friends to share this experience,while we can have fun, we must be professional, as WE are our best public relations.

We request you call for reservations and information in advance, if you are unable to call until the day of the show we may not be able to get back to you. Additionally, we will not be able to respond during the taping of the show.

We are making a difference, we are being the change we want to see in the world - join us!

Walter Davis

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