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What we’re about

We are film lovers – at all levels of cinematic familiarity – who meet regularly online (and occasionally in person) to discuss, explore, and even sometimes answer the question: “What makes a film a classic?”  Why do some films move us so deeply and become a part of our lives forever?

If you love movies, and especially if you enjoy talking about them, join our Zoom sessions or in-person events!  You’ll meet a great group of fellow enthusiasts, and our lively exchanges will deepen your appreciation of even the most familiar films from the past – whether recent or distant – from Hollywood or abroad. Join us and see your favorite film classics – or discover new ones – in a whole new way!

“The musical insights were revelatory.”  – (re:) The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
“Thanks for making ‘Citizen Kane’ even more remarkable and memorable for me!” – (re:) Citizen Kane
“Bravo! Engrossing film was made even more enthralling by the superb discussion!” – (re:) The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
“I always loved The Searchers, but hearing new perspectives helped me understand the film even better!” – (re:) The Searchers
“The discussion made me realize how much immediacy the European cast brought to Casablanca!” – (re:) Casablanca

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