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What we’re about

The group is now focusing mostly on multi-day hiking trips. Some include only camping, some have camping with hotel/motel options.

For ten years I led geology focused hikes around the greater SF Bay Area, but a year ago we moved to Davis, then COVID-19 through another another barrier in the way of hiking. Summer 2023 we moved to Florida (!), so we definitely won't be hosting day hikes, but are still planning on returning to California for at least our December Death Valley Trip.

It's been a great group, full of amazing people bringing a wealth of knowledge to every hike. Below is our previous description, which still applies to the pace of hikes on our current longer trips.
If anyone is interested in leading day-hikes in the Bay Area, please contact Lee. I'm not interested in having hikes that are co-listed on other hiking groups...I've had that before and the results were not that good.

So, keep moving, keep learning, and enjoy the outdoors!

Lee Trampleasure

Previous description, with some tips about the SF Bay Area:

This group's goal is to get exercise while exploring and learning about the geology and natural science of the San Francisco Bay Area. The aim is the mid-point between the hiking groups that don't stop long enough to explore and learn about what they're passing and the nature groups that see lots of great stuff, but don't get that much exercise.

Hikes will be lead by members with knowledge of unique, exotic, or otherwise fascinating features of our area. If you have a favorite hike that you'd like to lead, drop a suggestion and I'll make you a leader (you just have to commit to coming on the hike and sharing your knowledge).

Everyone with interest is invited, and presentations should be aimed at people with interest but not necessarily a strong academic background in the subject (although some conversations will hopefully get pretty deep).

Our primary focus will be on geology, but we won't pass up a good tidbit of information about the flaura and fauna as we hike.

A few great books with resources for our hikes include:
Ted Konigsmark, Geologic Trips-- San Francisco and the Bay Area
Clyde Wahrhaftig, Streetcar to Subduction and Other Plate Tectonic Trips by Public Transport in San Francisco.

Upcoming events (1)

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