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What we’re about

SHE Choir is a vibrant collaborative choir community for all women or non-binary people. If you'd like to be part of a non-auditioned (no experience necessary!), fun choir, this is the group for you.

*** Please note - we still use Meetup to find new faces but we're not very active on here. Please drop us a message here or on Instagram/Facebook if you have any questions!

About SHE Choir
There are currently SHE Choirs in Berlin, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Brussels, Dunedin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hastings, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Todmorden, York and the list is growing! 

We sing everything from Destiny's Child to Fleetwood Mac and Whitney Houston to The Beths. We don't tend to sing from sheet music, but we do provide words for songs.

The SHE stands for the original founders - Susie, Hannah and Ellie. Find out more about the choir network here.

When do we rehearse?
We rehearse on Tuesdays 6.30-8pm in the Long Room at Freemans Bay Community Centre. Please arrive in good time so we can start singing at 6.30pm. 

Wanna get involved?
We encourage members to get involved wherever they feel comfortable, whether that's leading a warm-up, teaching an arrangement or organising a social but mainly, it represents a space to build your creativity and confidence (as well as make some lovely new pals).

Looking forward to singing with you soon!

Upcoming events (4+)

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