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New Meetup: Softball Practice/Meeting - Beer Provided!

From: Jesse R.
Sent on: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 9:43 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for 20s and 30s Group of Syracuse!

What: Softball Practice/Meeting - Beer Provided!

When: Sunday, October 10,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Burnet Park
Burnet Park
Syracuse, NY 13204

If you are interested in Joining the Softball team for the upcoming season come on down to Burnett Park and throw the ball around, hit a bit, and if we have enough we will even play a game...oh and there will be beverages provided (water and beer).

We are still looking for several people to join so bring your friends if they are interested in playing aswell!!! Right now we will meet at the athletic fields. I will send out my number to those who are signed up Sunday morning.

If you cant make this meetup and would still like to attend please follow the link below and sign up!!

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