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Supermath 2010 this Wednesday: 50% Expo discount for R meetup members

From: Derren B.
Sent on: Sunday, November 7, 2010, 1:21 PM
Hi everyone,

Our next meeting is being finalized for later this month - details soon.

In addition, the San Diego R Users Group will be participating in the San Diego
Software Industry Council's SUPERMATH 2010 conference this Wednesday,
November 10. We'll be publicizing our group at the exposition portion of the
conference, and talking with people about R for analytics.

Come join us! San Diego R Users Group members can attend the exposition
(the afternoon portion of the conference) with a 50 percent discount (normally
$35 for SDSIC non-members).

For more information about the conference, see

To claim your discount, please email [address removed] with "supermath rusers" in
the subject line of the email.

Derren Barken

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