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Look forward to seeing you at one of the future Sunday morning Meetups at the Marathon Clinic

From: Ozzie G.
Sent on: Sunday, December 6, 2009, 2:19 PM
Look forward to seeing you all at the San Diego Marathon Clinic on Sunday mornings.

For the Intro to Pose Method and ChiRunning; I'll list on the Meetup schedule when I will and won't be there to do that Intro.

If I'm not there you can run with the regular groups that break up for Social 6 miler, Social, 8 miler, and depending on the week, a social 10 miler. There's a steady group that runs 13 miles weekly at about 1n 8 minute pace. Walkers will usually do 3 to 5 at varying paces.

Know that this coming March will be the 35th year of the San Diego Marathon Clinic, so know it's there weekly if you want a group to run with; Meetup or not.

Also you can go to the San Diego Track Club's Information Page on all the various run in San Diego that everyone is welcomed to attend.

In health, friendship, and on the run,
Ozzie Gontang

Mindful Running

Here's a little about the impact I've had on barefoot and minimalist running...and didn't know it.

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