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We need RAW files for tomorrow night's Meetup!

From: John W.
Sent on: Monday, October 7, 2013, 7:47 AM

Hello to all,

A quick note to those of you attending tomorrow night's Meetup, "RAW Fundamentals for Photoshop" - We still need RAW files!

From the Meetup description: Those who RSVP are encouraged to pre-submit one RAW file - Although we'll probably only get to three or four of these files,  we'll optimize them near the end of the seminar to put what we've learned into practice.  Please submit by end-of-day Tuesday , 10/08/13, either by email or webpage upload.

PLEASE, please please do not bring your images to the Meetup on a thumb drive or CD, as I won't have time to incorporate them into the program.

By the way, there are still a few spots left, so if you're wanting to attend, I'd RSVP today!

See you tomorrow night - Thx, and cheers,

John :-)

PS - North County residents - you might want to check out the Orange County Photoshop for Photographers Meetup, held in San Clemente...

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