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New Meetup: 26 Miles Of North County's Scenic Coastline ... Or 13 For The Half

From: Marie
Sent on: Thursday, September 23, 2010, 1:22 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for San Diego Singles Adventures!

What: 26 Miles Of North County's Scenic Coastline ... Or 13 For The Half

When: Sunday, January 23,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Westfield Shoppingtown Plaza
2525 El Camino Real
Carlsbad, CA 92008

My marathon feet are itching again! Are we up for another challenge and to run for a good cause which may include your health? I've learned earlier on that part of a successful physical fitness program is to have a goal in mind. I'd like to share this marathon as a goal and see meetup members start their own collection of finisher medals.

Folks, we have less than 7 months to train and prepare for this. I ran the Carlsbad Marathon this year last January and I must say ... it is a beautiful, scenic route along the shorelines of North County. Like the last Rock N' Roll Marathon, running a half (13 miles) instead of a whole marathon is also an option, and, they give you 4 1/2 hours to finish it. However, 6 hours is the time limit, regardless, which puts much more pressure on the full marathoners. Furthermore, this is a more challenging course compared to the Rock N' Roll Marathon with more inclines involved. But hey ... we meetup folks are always up for a challenge

Although it's one of the more popular marathons in Southern California, the Carlsbad Marathon is smaller in size capping off its entries at 8,500 for the half and 1,500 for the full. Therefore, I encourage you to register as early as you can. This race last January sold out atleast a couple of months before. To register for the marathon and obtain further information, refer to the official website

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