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Announcements for San Diego Singles Adventures

From: Al Horne MBA P.
Sent on: Friday, October 8, 2010, 12:11 PM
Greetings to everyone in the group.

Welcome to all our new members. We hope you enjoy the events, meet new people and make new friends.

We are looking for event leaders to plan and promote fun events. If you would like to lead an event please email me.

We would greatly appreciate any donation you can make to keep the group going. If you make a donation you will be a V.I.P and will be invited to some exclusive events for V.I.P. members only.

Suggested donation is $12.00 per year. Please click on the Membership dues option on the home page and donate whatever you can.

Click here to go to our home page to donate: San Diego Singles Adventures

Please suggest some ideas for the group or create a discussion. If more people participate then the group will grow and it will be a lot more fun.

Please let me know what we can do to make the group better. Your feedback is always welcome.

Thanks and All The Best,


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