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New Meetup: Baja Trek: 8-Day Beach Express Trip!

From: BT K.
Sent on: Monday, October 11, 2010, 1:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for San Diego Singles Adventures!

What: Baja Trek: 8-Day Beach Express Trip!

When: Thursday, October 14,[masked]:00 AM

Trip Fee: $285.00 per person

Where: UETA Duty Free Shop
5775 Camiones Way
San Ysidro, CA 92173

Hi Adventurers!

We're heading out this Thursday, Oct. 14th for an 8-day adventure trip down the Baja Peninsula to beautiful Bahia de los Angeles, with stops in some of our favorite wilderness areas like the rock gardens and cactus-forests of the Catavina desert and towns like Ensenada and San Quintin. We're rolling out in our big red school bus named Gus, who is outfitted with special custom-made seating, places to sleep, and a veggie oil-running motor.

This is true adventure, Baja-style!


Departure: 9 AM October 14th, from the border in San Ysidro/TJ, right at the end of the Blue Line Trolley. We will meet on the American side of the border and walk together across the border into Mexico where the bus will be waiting for us.
Return: 8 PM October 21st, to the same spot.

To bring: Sleeping bag and pad, bathing suit, towel, change of clothes.

Trip fee: $285 USD -- Includes meals, transport, and adventures!

Check out the trip page here!

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.


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