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New Meetup: Baja Trek: Nov 5-7 Cantina Crawl!

From: BT K.
Sent on: Thursday, October 14, 2010, 1:08 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for San Diego Singles Adventures!

What: Baja Trek: Nov 5-7 Cantina Crawl!

When: Friday, November 5,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $47.00 per person

Where: UETA Duty Free Shop
5775 Camiones Way
San Ysidro, CA 92173

Hey Explorers,

You don't even have to take time off to get on this trek: We'll depart Friday night and have you back on Sunday before bedtime, we promise! In the meantime, we do a whirlwind tour of Northern Baja's best cantinas, taco stands, and party spots -- from TJ to Ensenada and everywhere in between -- in our outfitted, remodeled bright red school bus named Gus. Veggie oil-powered fun, the whole way!

Here are the trip details:

Departing: November 5th at 6 PM, from the border in San Ysidro/TJ. We meet you on the American side and walk across together to the waiting bus.
Returning: November 7th around 8 PM, to the same spot.

Trip Fee: $35 USD for Transport/Accomod. + $12 USD for Food Fund = $47 USD Total
Includes: Optional Hostel, Camping, Transport, and Breakfasts.
You cover: Beer, Tacos, Souvenirs.

Daily Breakdown:

Day 1

We'll meet up at the border, where we'll pile into Gus the Baja Beach Bus for a comfy, chatty ride to Rosarito Beach, our first stop. Rosarito is full of fun bars and clubs. There's Papas & Beers, Senor Frogs, Iggies, Coco Beach and more. We'll be camping near the center of town the first night so once you're ready to hit the hay, you can meander back to Gus (the Bus) and enjoy the sounds of the nearby ocean. Sound good so far?

Day 2

After a scrumptious breakfast, we'll slowly get ourselves packed up and wind our way down to Ensenada. Along the way, we'll stop at one of our favorite pacific beaches and spend a couple hours relaxing in the sun, doing as much nothing as we can handle. Horseback riding, anyone?

Once we arrive in Ensenada, we'll get our beds sorted out: You can choose to stay at one of the local Ensenada Hostels if you'd like a bunk, or you can claim your spot on Gus. We'll once again be located close enough to the action so you can pick out the big red bus even in the dark, when you're done partying. There's even more to do here in Ensenada than in Rosarito! You could visit the oldest cantina in Baja California, Hussong's, or perhaps the original Papas & Beer or Habana Cabana. Check out the Port of Ensenada with its extravagant cruise ships or survey the local taco stands in search of The Ultimate Fish Taco (we can give you a few hints). When you're done for the night, just wind your way back to your nice warm bed.

Day 3

Once everyone's awake, we'll head back up the coast, grabbing some brunch and taking one last look at all our new favorite spots. We'll slowly trek back to Tijuana where the party continues (optional) with a Baja Trek crew member cruising you through the liveliest spots in TJ. Ever riden a mechanical bull? Once the fiesta stops it's hugs and good-byes all around. See you next time, compadres!

RSVP if you'd like to come! Feel free to message me (Beccah) or call [masked]) if you have any questions. Hope to see you on board!

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