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New Event: 2007 Beer & Sake Festival

From: Matthew W.
Sent on: Thursday, June 21, 2007, 1:48 PM
Announcing a new event for The San Diego Chinese Language Meetup Group!

What: 2007 Beer & Sake Festival

When: Thursday, June 28, 6:00 PM

Event fee: USD30.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: It's time again for the Japan Society Beer and Sake Festival. Come on out and get all you can drink beer and sake and free entrance to the On Broadway Club here in San Diego. If you register as a member on the Japan Society Meetup there is a $20 discount. Hope to see you all there.

What: 2007 Beer & Sake Festival

When: Thursday, June 28 at 6:00PM
Where: On Broadway Event Center
615 Broadway
San Diego CA 92101

Event Description:
Japan Society is proud to present the 2007 Beer & Sake Festival
sponsored by Harrah's. This year will feature 50 beverages
including Japanese beer, sake, mixers, and handcrafted brews
from San Diego and Tijuana region. To accompany these tastings
will be samplings from several local restaurants.

The festival will introduce a new stage with live entertainment
and raffle drawing (whose proceeds will go directly to fund a
special high school Japanese language program). Some of the
raffle prizes include airline tickets, hotel stays, and
culinary experiences.

So, prepare your group of friends now as hundreds of people
will be getting tickets, preparing hotel stays (the hotel next
door to the venue is offering a special discount for that
evening - go to ), and
brushing up on your sake knowledge.

Oh, and guess what? The secret this year is that the first 500
people inside the festival will get a sake tasting glass as an

To get to the festival:
RSVP to Meetup.Com's event announcement
You will receive an e-mail that will give you $20 discount to
at the door price
Follow instructions on that e-mail to purchase those tickets

If you fail to RSVP through Meetup and you are NOT a Japan
Society Member, you can be like everyone else and buy tickets
for $50. Yay!

Another reason to be in the Japanese Language and Culture
Meetup! A small way of saying thanks to all of the members
who've come to other Japan Society events and allowed me to
promote our mission. Thank you to Tokyo Jim and the entire

Event fee: $30.00 per person

Learn more here:

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