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boring can be good

From: Anthony E.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 20, 2017, 6:22 AM



The market is going nuts of late from the tax legislation news.


However,  I wanted to remind you all that boring stocks can and do make money as well. Clorox isn’t sexy, but it is up over 24% YTD. It also pays a dividend 4x as large as what you can make at the bank.


Those of you that follow the group know that I like to have some boring stuff in portfolio. You won’t make as much money this way. You won’t lose nearly as much when the market sells off either. MCD is another boring, money making stock. There are a lot more.


It is something to consider at least for your retirement accounts. 


Tony Estrada

Show respect even to people that don't deserve it;
not as a reflection of their character but as a reflection of yours.
        -- Dave Willis



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