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CFP Lambda Days

From: Juan Manuel S.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 30, 2014, 12:17 PM
Hola a todos,

Adjunto al correo encontraréis el CFP del Lambda Days (en Cracovia). El deadline para la propuesta de charlas es el 5 de Enero. Como veréis nos ofrecen un pase gratis a la conferencia, que podrá disfrutar el primero que conteste a este correo ... siempre y cuando alguno de los que han impartido alguna charla este año no lo reclame para él en menos de una semana. 

Aprovecho para felicitaros las fiestas, animaros a asistir a los meetups del año que viene, y ¡desearos un 2015 libre de bugs!

Un abrazo,


I am contacting you with regards to Lambda Days Conference & ReactDay taking place in February in Krakow. For the second year in a row Lambda Days comes to Kraków to bring together people passionate about functional programming (Scala, Erlang, Haskell, F#, Lisp and Clojure) as well as reactive programming. With over 200 attendees, 26 speakers and 2 tracks over 2 days of talks, we got to learn about interesting projects and real-life applications of some of the most inspiring concepts functional programming can offer. It's our goal to help them develop and flourish. 

Call for paper is now officially open and I believe that some of your group members might be interested in - would you be able to share this information with your group members? 
Here are the links: 
React ( 
and C4P form­ 

LambdaDays (
and C4P form­ 

Here is the deal: 
- we offer 1 free pass for the conference for your group member (up to you to find a the way to offer this pass - may be a raffle) 

On your side 
- you help us to promote a little bit C4P and the conference (do some teasing during your meetup for example) 

Looking forward to hearing from you, 
Dominika Musiał

Juan Manuel Serrano <[address removed]>

Habla Computing - Programming the Information Society
@hablapps on Twitter

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