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Stocks v. Gold

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 3:06 PM
I wrote a rough application to chart how a stock is doing denominated in gold (instead of the typical USD). 

Here's the URL to play with:

Just replace 'APPL' in the url with the stock you want to look at. If it's an invalid symbol you get an error.

There are two lines. 
The first one (blue) divides the stock price on a given day by the gold price on that same day.
The second line (red) is to give a comparison to how to stock looks when denominated in USD. In order to get them on the same scale (so I'm not trying to display the values 0.5 and 900 on the same chart), I divide the stock price by the price of gold on the first day of the chart, but then make no further adjustments. This means the two lines touch at the start and then diverge based on the relative performance of the stock in USD vs. Gold.

The app will not retrieve data before 1992 or after 8/1/2011 since that's the range of data I have for gold prices.

Check it out!

Matt J