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RE: [Seattle-Jazz-Scene-Meetup] Happy Holidays from the Seattle Jazz Scene Meetup!

From: bill b.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 24, 2013, 10:19 AM

Great Steve  Good idea!

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [Seattle-Jazz-Scene-Meetup] Happy Holidays from the Seattle Jazz Scene Meetup!
Date: Tue, 24 Dec[masked]:19:02 -0500

Hi all,
I'm really pleased to see a continued steady increase in membership with this group!  New people are coming to town, and locals also are tuning in to what's happening in Seattle's really vibrant jazz scene.   There are few cities with this much jazz happening, and everyone wants to to get get involved in the local jazz scene.
How to find out what's playing?  Well, the best list I have found is  I'm sure there are other sources (and I would like to hear about them!), but this one lists all the big clubs like Jazz Alley, Tula's, New Orleans Cafe, Boxley's, and the like, but also the smaller ones as well.  This list is so comprehensive, there is no point in someone just copying it all over to this web site to list what's going on.  After all, this site is about MEETING UP; it's not just a list of concerts.
I've had a chance to talk to many people in this group who would like it to be more than it is.  It's more than a list or a chance for a new band to get awareness (they can do that on the aforementioned list for free as well.)  The real draw of The Seattle Jazz Scene Meetup is that its members can decide to go to an event, and ask other jazzers to go with them, meeting new people who like the same thing.  This group is about Seattle's audience that digs the scene, not the bands themselves.
That's where you come in.  In the past, nobody has had the capability to post an event!  That's right, there are only a very few organizers (20).  Mostly, they are band representatives.  I'd like to turn this upside down so that EVERYONE is an event organizer.  Starting Jan 1, 2014, ANY MEMBER can and should create an event they think is a fun time, and ask others to join them.  Let's get this party started in 2014!!!
If you're new to creating events on meetup, that's ok.  I was too, but after attending a few events in the Seattle Backpackers and Hikers groups, plus this group's sister group, Seattle Area Jazz Musicians, I went ahead and started my own, and never looked back.  It is SO FUN to create one and meet new people who want to do exactly what you've just proposed in your event!  Feel free to email me if you need some ideas or have questions about posting an event.
So starting this January, give it a whirl, make it your new year's resolution to get out there and start something in Seattle's Jazz Scene.  Remember, the AUDIENCE digs the scene and makes it happen.  It's about the fans!
Happy Holidays Seattle Jazz Scene!
Steve Jones (piano)
PS: Between now and Jan[masked] I will be madly converting everyone's Seattle Jazz Scene account to an event organizer.  It will take some time but I plan on getting done in time for the new year.  Note this will in no way affect your status with other groups; privileges are separated between groups.

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

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