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Re: [seakayaking-35] Anyone interested in kayak camping?

From: Randy E
Sent on: Tuesday, June 5, 2007, 8:13 AM
Hi Patrick,

Yes, I'd love to do an overnighter. I do have a touring kayak and have
never gone camping with it. I'm not available for that weekend though.
I take it you have experience doing open water crossings? Scott and I
did a paddle to Blake Island this last weekend and it was great. We
just did it for a day trip although it would have been a great place
for an overnighter. Logistically, that was really easy and relatively


On 6/4/07, Patrick <[address removed]> wrote:
> Hey, is anyone in this group interested in kayak camping? I'd like to do
> a weekend trip to camp on either Saddlebag Island or Hope Island (other
> suggestions welcome). I'm thinking of June 16-17 but I'm open to other
> dates to depending on when people are available. Let me know if you're
> interested in something like this and we'll set something up.
> Patrick Sheedy
> --
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