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Missing Gear -

From: Saul_K
Sent on: Saturday, September 19, 2009, 12:21 PM
With the camping trip last weekend and then the paddle on Monday night we seem to have misplaced about 15 sets of paddles. I'm missing 2 of the carbon and fiberglass Big Spoons as well as two of the carbon and plastic Aqua Bound yellow paddles and 2 of the NWOC yellow fiberglass paddles (1/2 of one of them is in my car), I'm also missing 6-8 of the cheaper plastic and aluminum West Marine Paddles, so if you ended up with extra paddles and don't know where they came from, I'd like them back. I also have some cooking stuff that someone left in my car, a small skillet and a small cooking pot.

Thanks - Saul

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