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Important Information Regarding Sunday's Jetty Island Stroll

From: Leilah.
Sent on: Friday, July 20, 2012, 9:28 PM

Howdy all!


This is IMPORTANT information for the Sunday stroll so please read it carefully! Especially the first and 2nd paragraphs. Or you might be sorry ;-)

I know, I know. I don't want to hear any complaints that this is too long!

I want to let you all know I have made reservations for 30 people on the 10:45AM ferry. If you plan to catch this ferry with me, you will need to meet me at the Jetty Island ferry dock near the kiosk NO LATER than 10:20AM! (If you don't know me, I have red hair and should have my Flickr sign with me.) I will have 30 passes, once they are gone, they are gone. But you can check with the kiosk to see if there is any more room on that sailing. BUT I do have 10 passes reserved for the 11:15am sailing as well. For the 11:15 sailing, you will need to check in at the kiosk no later than 11:00AM! The passes will be under Seattle Flickr. Once they are gone, you will need to check with the kiosk for the next ferry with room. Any unused reserved passes will be returned back to the kiosk for other riders.

For the return trip, I have 40 passes for the 1:15 sailing. You will need to be at the dock no later than 1:00! If you decide that you want an earlier or later sailing time, you must exchange your 1:15 pass for another sailing time that is available -- I highly suggest if you know in advance you will want a different return time that you exchange your pass when you arrive on the island side. Each sailing holds 60 riders, you must have a pass for the time of the sailing. If it's a busy day, and you miss your sailing time, you might have to wait. It's my understanding that when we pick up our passes that we'll receive our return ones at the same time.

Are there any questions? If so, please give a shout out!

The Nature Walk is about an hour long. I'm told at 11:30 they'll call out for the walk and who ever wants to join, can join. I plan to start out on this walk. I may ditch it once it gets going or I may continue on. Playing this part by ear.

I will be back at the ferry dock for the return trip back around 12:50 for the 1:15 sailing. I hope this gives everyone enough time to have a look about. If you want to stay loner, exchange your pass for a later sailing time. You can stay as long as you like.

Also, I drove around the parking area today. The pay station is not the big yellow box that says "Pay Here" -- it's a shelter with a pay machine before you get to the yellow box. It takes cash, coin, debit, visa. BUT I did see a sign that you'd see as you are leaving (?) that says "free Jetty Island over flow parking ->" if you follow the signs past Scuttlebutts there is a parking lot of which I assume is free? That's what the first sign said. You will just have to walk a little way to get to the ferry launch. Do not park in the Scuttlebutts parking lot or the other business.

There is a lot of great stuff to explore around the marina. The tide should be out around 1:00 or maybe it was 2:00pm? will tell you. After the island or for some reason you can't get a ferry, explore the area from the muddy shoreline just north of the 10th Street Marina down south to the Farmers Market.

And hopefully the rain will hold out till late in the day!


See y'all Sunday!



P.S. ... The Hat Island ferry is NOT the same thing as the Jetty Island ferry. I think the Hat Island ferry is at 13th St? You want 10th St.



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